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Alaniz, M.*, S. Padilla*, S. C. Hosler*, H. P. Jones, and N. A. Barber. 2024. Ground-dwelling invertebrate community responses to bison and prescribed fire management in tallgrass prairies. Journal of Insect Conservation. PDF


Hogan, K. F. E., K. Baker, E. M. Bach, and N. A. Barber. 2024. Basal bark herbicide treatment of Lonicera maackii (Amur honeysuckle) is effective regardless of application timing, with limited nontarget effects on native plant diversity. Ecological Solutions and Evidence  5:e12332. (open access)



Hogan, K. F. E., H. P. Jones, K. Savage, A. M. Burke, P. W. Guiden, S. C. Hosler, E. Rowland-Schaefer, N. A. Barber. 2023. Functional consequences of animal community changes in managed grasslands: an application of the CAFE approach. Ecology e4192. Link


Mason, C. N.*, S. Shahar*, K. K. Beals, S. T. Kelley, D. A. Lipson, W. D. Swingley, and N. A. Barber. 2023. Taxonomic and functional restoration of tallgrass prairie soil microbial communities in comparison to remnant and agricultural soils. FEMS Microbiology Ecology 99:fiad120. doi:10.1093/femsec/fiad120 PDF Link


Barber, N. A., D. M. Klimek, J. K. Bell, W. S. Swingley. 2023. Restoration age and re-introduced bison may shape soil bacterial communities in restored tallgrass prairies. FEMS Microbiology Ecology 99:fiad007. doi:10.1093/femsec/fiad007 PDF Link



Zanne, A. E. et al. 2022. Termite sensitivity to temperature affects global wood decay rates. Science 377:1440-1444. PDF Link


Viljur, M.-L. et al. 2022. The effect of natural disturbances on forest biodiversity: An ecological synthesis. Biological Reviews 95:1930-1947. doi:10.1111/brv.12876 PDF


Barber, N. A., N. Sauer*, J. Krauss, and F. A. Boetzl*. 2022. Grazing conserves threatened carabid beetles in semi-natural calcareous grasslands better than mowing, especially at low intensities. Biodiversity and Conservation 31:2857–2873. doi:10.1007/s10531-022-02463-0 PDF


James, J. J.*, E. M. Bach, K. Baker, N. A. Barber, R. Buck*, M. Shahrtash*, and S. P. Brown. 2022. Herbicidal control of the invasive Amur honeysuckle (Lonicera maackii) does not alter soil microbial communities or activity. Ecological Solutions and Evidence 3:e12157. Open Access Link



Guiden, P.W., N. A. Barber, R. Blackburn, A. Farrell, J. Fliginger, S. Hosler, R. King, M. Nelson, E. Rowland, K. Savage, J. P. Vanek, and H.P. Jones. 2021. Effects of management outweigh effects of plant diversity on restored animal communities in tallgrass prairies. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the USA 118(5):e2015421118. PDF


Rahman, A.U., H.P. Jones, S.C. Hosler, S. Geddes, M. Nelson, and N. A. Barber. 2021. Disturbance-induced trophic niche shifts in ground beetles (Coleoptera: Carabidae) in restored grasslands. Environmental Entomology. PDF


Herakovich, H.*, C. J. Whelan, N. A. Barber, and H. P. Jones.  2021. Impacts of a recent bison reintroduction on grassland bird nests and potential mechanisms for these effects. Natural Areas Journal 41:93-103. PDF


Wang, D., V. Nkurunziza, N. A. Barber, J. Wang, and H. Zhu.  2021.  Introduced ecological engineers drive behavioral changes of grasshoppers, consequently linking to its abundance in two grassland plant communities. Oecologia 195:1007-1018. PDF


Hosler, S. C.*, H. P. Jones, M. Nelson*, and N. A. Barber. 2021. Management actions shape dung beetle community structure and functional traits in restored tallgrass prairie. Ecological Entomology 46:175-186. PDF


Nelson, M.*, S. C. Hosler*, F. A Bötzl*, H. P. Jones, and N. A. Barber. 2021. Reintroduced grazers and prescribed fire effects on beetle assemblage structure and function in restored grasslands. Ecological Applications 31:e02217. PDF


Herakovich, H.*, N. A. Barber, and H. P. Jones. 2021. Assessing the impacts of prescribed fire and bison grazing on birds using bioacoustic recorders. American Midland Naturalist 186:245-262. Link


Blackburn, R. C.*, N. A. Barber, A. K. Farrell*, R. C. Buscaglia, and H. P. Jones. 2021. Monitoring ecological characteristics of a tallgrass prairie using an unmanned aerial vehicle. Restoration Ecology 29:e13339. PDF




Adler, L. S., N. A. Barber, O. M. Biller, and R. E. Irwin. 2020. Flowering plant composition shapes pathogen infection and reproduction in bumble bee colonies. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the USA 117:11559-11565. PDF


Burke, A. M.*, N. A. Barber, and H. P. Jones.  2020.  Early small mammal responses to bison reintroduction and prescribed fire in restored tallgrass prairies. Natural Areas Journal 40:35-44. PDF


Blackburn, R. C.*, H. P. Jones, and N. A. Barber.  2020.  Plant community shifts in response to fire and bison in a restored tallgrass prairie. Natural Areas Journal 40:218-227. PDF


Blackburn, R. C.*, H. P. Jones, and N. A. Barber.  2020. Reintroduced bison diet changes throughout the season in restored prairie. Restoration Ecology doi:10.1111/rec.13161 PDF



Barber, N. A., A. K. Farrell*, R. C. Blackburn*, J. T. Bauer, A. M. Groves, L. A. Brudvig, and H. P. Jones. 2019. Grassland restoration characteristics influence phylogenetic and taxonomic structure of plant communities and suggest assembly mechanisms. Journal of Ecology 107:2105-2120. PDF


Jones, H. P., N. A. Barber, and D. J. Gibson. 2019. Is phylogenetic and functional trait diversity a driver or a consequence of grassland community assembly? Journal of Ecology 107:2027-2032. PDF


Davis, J.*, L. Aguirre*, N. Barber, P. Stevenson, L. Adler. 2019. From plant fungi to bee parasites: mycorrhizae and soil nutrients shape floral chemistry and bee pathogens. Ecology 100:e02801.  PDF


Barber, N. A., S. Hosler*, P. Whiston*, and H. P. Jones.  2019.  Grassland restoration and management influence dung beetle communities and dung decomposition following bison re-introduction. Natural Areas Journal 39:420-428. PDF


Michaud, K.*, R. Irwin, N. Barber, & L. Adler. 2019. Pre-infection effects of nectar secondary compounds on a bumble bee gut pathogen. Environmental Entomology 48:685-690.  PDF




Barber, N. A. 2018. Cross-Compartment Herbivory Effects on Antagonists and Mutualists and Their Consequences for Plant Fitness.  Pp. 247-270 in Aboveground-Belowground Community Ecology, eds. T. Ohgushi, S. Wurst, and S. N. Johnson. Springer. Link




Barber, N. A., K. A. Lamagadeleine-Dent*, J. E. Willand, H. P. Jones, and K. W. McCravy.  2017.  Species and functional trait re-assembly of ground beetle communities in restored grasslands. Biodiversity and Conservation 26:3481-3498. PDF


Barber, N.A. and W. L. Widick*.  2017.  Localized effects of tornado damage on ground beetle communities and vegetation in a forested preserve. Natural Areas Journal 37:489-496. PDF


Barber, N. A., K. M. Chantos-Davidson*, R. A. Peralta*, J. P. Sherwood*, and W. D. Swingley.  2017.  Soil microbial community composition in tallgrass prairie restorations converge with remnants across a 27-year chronosequence. Environmental Microbiology 19:3118-3131. PDF

DiGiovanni, J. P.*, W. P. Wysocki*, S. V. Burke*, M. R. Duvall, and N. A. Barber.  2017.  The role of hemiparasitic plants:  influencing tallgrass prairie quality, diversity and structure.  Restoration Ecology 25:405-413.  PDF


Pischl, P. H.* and N. A. Barber.  2017.  Shifts in plant–mycorrhizal interactions under elevated temperature and drought.  Journal of Plant Ecology 10:692-701. PDF

Barber, N. A., H. P. Jones, M. R. Duvall, W. P. Wysocki*, M. J. Hansen, D. J. Gibson.  2017.  Phylogenetic diversity is maintained despite richness losses in restored tallgrass prairie plant communities.  Journal of Applied Ecology 54:137-144. PDF




Minton, M. M.*, N. A. Barber, and L. L. Gordon*.  2016.  Effects of arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi on herbivory defense in two Solanum species.  Plant Ecology and Evolution 149:157-164.  PDF


Boyer, M. D. H.*, N. L. Soper Gorden, N. A. Barber, and L. S. Adler.  2016.  Floral damage induces resistance to florivory in Impatiens capensis. Arthropod–Plant Interactions 10:121-131.  PDF


Barber N. A., N. J. Milano*, E. T. Kiers, N.  Theis, V.  Bartolo*, R. V.  Hazzard, L. S. Adler.  2016.  Root herbivory indirectly affects above- and belowground community members and directly reduces plant performance. Journal of Ecology 103:1509-1518. PDF




Barber, N. A. and R. T. Fahey.  2015.  Consequences of phenology variation and oxidative defenses in Quercus.  Chemoecology 25:261-270.  PDF


Milano, N. J.*, N. A. Barber, and L. S. Adler.  2015.  Conspecific and heterospecific aboveground herbivory both reduce preference by a belowground herbivore.  Environmental Entomology 44:317-324. PDF


Orrock, J. L., H. P. Dutra, R. J. Marquis, N. A. Barber.  2015.  Disentangling roles of direct and indirect effects of exotic plant species: competition reduces plant abundance and both competition and apparent competition reduce native plant richness.  Ecology 96:1052-1061. PDF




Theis, N., N. A. Barber, S. J. Gillespie, R. V. Hazzard, and L. S. Adler.  2014.  Attracting mutualists and antagonists: Trait variation in plants explains the distribution of specialist herbivores and pollinators on crops and wild squash. American Journal of Botany 101:1314-1322. PDF


Barber, N. A. and N. L. Soper Gorden.  2014.  How do belowground organisms influence plant-pollinator interactions?  Journal of Plant Ecology 8:1-11. PDF




Barber, N. A., E. T. Kiers, R. V. Hazzard, and L. S. Adler.  2013.  Context-dependency of arbuscular mycorrhial fungi on plant-insect interactions in an agroecosystem.  Frontiers in Plant Science 4:338.  Link (open access)


Barber, N. A., N. Theis, E. T. Kiers, R. V. Hazzard, and L. S. Adler.  2013.  Linking agricultural practices, mycorrhizal fungi, and traits mediating plant-insect interactions.  Ecological Applications 23:1519-1530.  PDF




Barber, N. A. 2012.  Arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi are necessary for the induced response to herbivores by Cucumis sativus.  Journal of Plant Ecology 6:171-176.  PDF


Barber, N. A. and J. Wouk*.  2012.  Winter predation by insectivorous birds and consequences for arthropods and plants in summer.  Oecologia 170:999-1007. PDF


Barber, N. A., L. S. Adler, N. Theis, E. T. Kiers, and R. V. Hazzard.  2012.  Herbivory reduces plant interactions with above- and belowground antagonists and mutualists. Ecology 93:1560-1570. PDF


Barber, N. A.  2012. Clay caterpillars: a tool for ecology and evolution laboratories. American Biology Teacher 74:513-517. PDF




Barber, N. A. and R. J. Marquis.  2011.  Light environment and the impacts of foliage quality on herbivorous insect attack and bird predation. Oecologia 166:401-409. PDF


Barber, N. A. and R. J. Marquis.  2011.  Leaf quality, predators, and stochastic processes in the assembly of a diverse herbivore community. Ecology 92:699-708. PDF


Barber, N. A., L. S. Adler, and H. Bernardo.  2011.  Effects of above- and belowground herbivory on growth, pollination, and reproduction in cucumber. Oecologia 165:377-386. PDF




Mooney, K. A., D. S. Gruner, N. A. Barber, S. A. Van Bael, S. M. Philpott, and R. Greenberg.  2010.  Interactions among predators and the cascading effects of vertebrate insectivores on arthropod communities and plants. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the USA 107:7335-7340. PDF


Barber, N. A.  2010.  Light environment and leaf characteristics affect distribution of Corythuca arcuata (Hemiptera: Tingidae). Environmental Entomology 39:492-497. PDF


Barber, N. A. and R. J. Marquis.  2009.  Spatial variation in top-down direct and indirect effects on white oak (Quercus alba L.). American Midland Naturalist 162:169-179. PDF


Barber, N. A., R. J. Marquis, and W. P. Tori.  2008.  Invasive prey impacts the abundance and distribution of native predators. Ecology 89:2678-2683. PDF

    (Featured in April 2009 Birding magazine and Birders World magazine.)


Van Bael, S. A., S. M. Philpott, R. Greenberg, P. Bichier, N. A. Barber, K. A. Mooney, and D. S. Gruner.  2008.  Birds as predators in tropical agroforestry systems. Ecology 89:928-934. PDF


Valone, T. J. and N. A. Barber.  2008.  An empirical evaluation of the insurance hypothesis in diversity-stability models. Ecology 89:522-531. PDF


Lill, J. T., R. J. Marquis, R. E. Forkner, J. Le Corff, N. Holmberg, and N. A. Barber. 2006.  Leaf pubescence affects distribution and abundance of generalist slug caterpillars (Lepidoptera: Limacodidae). Environmental Entomology 35:797-806. PDF


In review/revision


Nannini, K.*, S. T. Kelley, A. Ortiz-Velez*, J. D. Brown*, S. M. Ogden*, F. Terrazas*, and N. A. Barber. In review. Moisture and material shape microbial communities in the built environment through disturbance–productivity relationships.


* indicates student co-author.


Department of Biology & Ecology Program Area

San Diego State University

North Life Sciences Room 102
5500 Campanile Drive
San Diego, CA 92182-4614

email: nbarber [at]

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