Postdoctoral researcher
Grassland Soil ecology
The Community Ecology & Restoration Lab of Nick Barber at San Diego State University has an opening for a postdoctoral researcher starting as soon as January 2022.
Our lab studies how environmental, biotic, and human factors shape communities, influence trophic interactions, and determine ecosystem functioning. We work in restored, managed, and unmanaged ecosystems, and a major goal of our research is to generate basic ecological knowledge while contributing to the conservation and sustainable management of habitats. As members of a California State University campus, we value student mentoring and education as an important part of the research enterprise.
This postdoc will be funded for at least 1.5 years and have several responsibilities:
Lead the sampling and characterization of soil microbial (bacterial, archaeal, fungal) communities in remnant and restored tallgrass prairie in southern Wisconsin, in collaboration with Dr. Paul Zedler at the University of Wisconsin-Madison, to investigate relationships between microbial communities, plant communities, and environmental disturbances.
Lead or contribute to publications on grassland ecosystems, restoration, and management using existing plant, animal, and microbial datasets.
Work in a collaborative lab environment to help mentor graduate and undergraduate students, and participate in a broader community of ecologists through SDSU's Ecology Program Area and other biologists in the SDSU Biology Department.
Annual salary for the position is $58,000, plus benefits. The position will be based in San Diego but require summer travel for short (~2 week) field work trips to Wisconsin.
PhD in Ecology completed before start date.
Desired qualifications
Competitive candidates will have a strong background in community ecology, ecosystem ecology, or restoration ecology; experience characterizing soil microbial communities; and strong statistical skills. Knowledge of plant functional trait ecology and tallgrass prairie or other grassland ecosystems are preferred but not required. Evidence of leadership, mentoring, outreach, and contributions to making science inclusive will be viewed favorably.
Application process
Interested candidates should send a cover letter explaining qualifications, CV, and a list of three references to Dr. Nick Barber at CERLpostdoc@gmail.com. Review of applications will begin November 5, 2021, and continue until the position is filled.